
Frequently Asked Questions


What size trees will work with TreeTags?
What kind of trees will work with TreeTags?
I have palm trees, can I use TreeTags?
I have a cactus, can I use TreeTags?
How does ePlant TreeTag work on trees with thick, rough, or flaky bark (cork)?
Where do I view the data?
How soon can I see my tree's data?
How do I know if my tree is growing?
How do I know if my tree is stressed or needs water?
How do temperature, humidity, and light affect the growth signal?
If there is a power or network outage, will I lose data?


Device and Infrastructure

Will my TreeTag charge if it’s cloudy, in the shade, or covered by the canopy?
What does the LED light mean?
Do I need a gateway?
How many TreeTags can one gateway support?
What if my TreeTag fails?
How far away from the gateway can my TreeTags be?
Is my tree's location private? 
How do I fix a stuck plunger?
How do I clean the solar panel if it is dirty?
How do I find my TreeTag if I have misplaced/lost it?
Can I order replacement screws?


Why do I need the ePlant TreeTag Manager app?
Where can I download the ePlant TreeTag Manager app?
What is NFC?
Why can't I scan my TreeTag?


TreeTag Manager App

Set up and install your ePlant TreeTags. Manage their information and check their status.

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